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  Le donne illustri del territorio. Per le vie di Pomezia, Ardea, Anzio e Nettuno


The project, planned and written by CIRSES with the participation of the "B. Pascal" School, a Secondary Intitute located in the Lazio Region,  within the national announcement of MIUR – National Ministry of Education "National Day of the School - DM 663 Art. 6 ", is focused on female toponymy as a place of active citizenship and recognition of the value of women in all areas of knowledge.

It is easy to see, in fact, how in Italy most of the streets and squares, and often the most important, carry mainly names of men, while women are much less represented and lives in the social imaginary: for example, in the Municipality of Pomezia, out of a total of 675 streets /squares, 152 are named to men and only 8 are women, including two saints and six mythological-literary characters.

The main objective of the project is to stimulate students to work for discovering and rediscovering female figures of literature, science and the arts, to whom streets, , squares, public spaces of the territory are entitled or could be entitled , helping to unveil and deconstruct, together with experts on gender and toponymy topics and to teachers, gender stereotypes hidden behind the apparent neutrality of knowledge and teaching.