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In several European countries, many people are stigmatized because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Discrimination and violence against LGBT people is consumed in society, at school, but also in the work sector.

Therefore is necessary to improve the position of the LGBT workers reducing and contrasting the troubles they declare in their professional life. It is also necessary to introduce a new dimension of LGBT Diversity that is not limited to combat discrimination against LGBT people, thinking in terms of tolerance of Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender people, but rather to encourage the development of a new idea of differences based on sexual orientation as a productive resource , which can help to increase the business potential of companies.

The management of human resources, in fact , is becoming increasingly important in companies, mainly evolving from the traditional administrative role to a more strategic markedly , given the central role that modern management models attach to human resources and their development in order to achieve the objectives defined in the Companies.

Starting from the tool-kit Crossing Diversity, carried-out through the previous project LLP- LdV-TOI   EURIALO   www.eurialo.eu , consisting of a Handbook with appendices and 9 Thematic maps addressed to teachers and psycho- social health care operators to combat LGBT discrimination and ethnic diversity in school among young people, the Diversities@Work project, cofinanced by the ERASMUS+ EU Programme, intends to propose a readjustment of the tools and methods of the original product , addressing them to HR experts, business consultants, entrepreneurs so that they can acquire the skills needed to introduce or improve policies and practices of LGBT Diversity in the workplace.

The project therefore identifies

a direct target, composed by HR Expert / managers, consultants and business trainers, entrepreneurs,

and an indirect target represented by LGBT workers, but also heterosexual workers.


The idea is in fact to encourage the dissemination of a culture of wellness and hospitality that improving the working conditions of LGBT people produces a positive cascade effect, which will also translate into higher / better business productivity.

In this sense, the partnershipis composed by organizations and companies, from Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium and Bulgaria, with solid experience and background, sharing a strong commitment and a common sensitivity to the project issues, aims to create a product that starting from the target groups needs will respond as much as possible to the needs of inclusion and valorization of differences related to sexual orientation , while providing development opportunities to businesses.

To achieve this goal it is planned a first phase of activities consisting in a research and data collection in each partner country, about the conditions of LGBT people at work, existing good practices and / or policies already adopted on LGBT Diversity, the training needs in the field of LGBT Diversity of the professional profiles responsible for the management of human resources in companies.

Subsequently, the Partner will study the Crossing Diversity tools and methodologies, in order to analyze strengths, weaknesses and elements of sustainability and understand how to adapt them to work sector. In this phase, there is a very important implication of enterprises in order to achieve an adaptation the most effective and responsive to the needs of businesses and LGBT workers.

Then the new tools developed for business, translated into all the languages of the partnership and in English, will be tested and implemented through training/awake workshops aimed addressed to HR experts and managers , consultants and business trainers , entrepreneurs, that will place in each partner country . The training includes the use of materials through an E-learning Area that will be implemented on the project site. Thanks to the strong networking capability of the Partnership ( both in Italy and in the EU countries) is expected to get a strong impact of the products / results of the project at medium and long term, considering the support will provide for that purpose the institutions and organizations which have already expressed their availability to support the project (Federimprese , CIPI , Forum Terzo Settore , UNAR, AGEDO , Fnism etc. .. )

All planned activities will be also accompanied by a capillary and continuous dissemination action through the project website, regular newsletters , distribution of brochures, leaflets, social networks, national workshops in each country partner, kick-off and final conference.

The activities of Diversities@Work will cover 24 months: from September 1st  2014 to August 31st  2016.


For further informations please visit the project website www.d-work.eu, as soon online.