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Starting from the Good Practice "Different in more Ways Than One" carried out in previous TRIANGLE project, Handbook and 9 Theme guides (Maps) made available to teachers/educators, psychologists, counsellors, and social workers working with the youth, the project EURIALO -  LEarning and gUidance tools against discRIminAtion:  respect for alL different sexual chOices and cultural identities aims at updating and adjusting the contents of such BP, by focusing on the needs of teachers, trainers, psychologists, and counsellors working in high schools (with young boys and girls aged between 14 and 20), or in social/healthcare agencies (e.g. family advisory centres).

The Project aims at transferring the updated and adjusted product to a significant number of organisations that might be interested in field testing the BP.

Therefore, the national and international Partnership is targeting various target groups, as the Project envisages pilot experiences, testing and validating – with/for a group of ‘intermediate’ beneficiaries  – of active methodologies and tools, aiming at increasing the awareness of diversity, and disseminating the results in the relevant systems (educational, vocational training, and guidance systems, youth support services in high schools), in the medium and long run, so to reach their final beneficiaries.

Therefore, the Project has

a “direct” target group – which includes teachers/educators operating in high schools, psychologists, social counsellors working with the youth

as a group of “final beneficiaries”, who are indirectly targeted by the Handbook and tools, made up by students and young adults.

The EURIALO Project’s expected results are the development and drawing up of a revised version of the Handbook including guidelines, tools, and methodologies, aiming at:

• providing the various categories of users with skills increasing their awareness of diversity, and offering them training methods in such field;

• improving/increasing awareness of diversity of young people and young adults (boys and girls aged between 14 and 20).


The adaptation of the Handbook, relating tools and Theme Guides will consist in:

• Updating its contents based on the new needs identified;

• Updating and adjusting the methodologies and tools, depending on the target groups identified, the characteristics and needs of final beneficiaries;

• Translating the prototype into the languages of the new Partners involved;

• Technological upgrading (transferring the Manual and Maps to a multimedia CD-ROM).


The final product has been carried out both in CD-ROM and as printed version with the title CROSSING DIVERSITY – Learning and Guidance Tools against Discrimination of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual People in different cultures.



The EURIALO project had a 25 month duration: from October 1st, 2009 to October 31, 2011.


EURIALO is Carried Out by a transnational partnership composed by:


  • Liceo Classico Statale SOCRATE (Leqad Partner)
  • CIRSES (Coordinator)
  • ARCIGAY Roma
  • Comune di Roma - Municipio X
  • Istituto Gestalt Firenze - IGF




  • VISC


  • Consultis
